Thursday, October 27, 2005

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee served notice Wednesday he intends to seek public assurances that Harriet Miers will show no favoritism toward

President Bush if confirmed to the Supreme Court, a fresh challenge for a nomination already in doubt. . I admire Phil Garner, I’ve known Craig Biggio since 1988 and Jeff Bagwell since 1992, Chris Burke quoted one of my old SportsCenter catchphrases back to me when he introduced himself last April, and the Astros deserve a World’s Championship - especially considering the 5-1 victory over the Cardinals was the first occasion out of six in franchise history when a win meant a ticket to the World Series, and the Astros didn’t lose.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

“With in-house schemes the employer acts as trustee and a number of individual trustees are member-nominated so members may feel they have a voice in the running of the scheme,” says Jane Beverly, senior technical consultant at actuaries Punter Southall. . Her colleagues responded with restrained applause, seemingly as mystified by the outcome of her case as the public.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Six plays later Smith fought off a defender and caught Delhomme's scoring toss to put Carolina on top for good. . Rowling's series of novels as the children who line up at midnight whenever a new book hits stores.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The most popular world news and photos. . Bush met with the chief executive officers of some of the top corporate makers of vaccines on Friday and asked them to do their utmost to boost flu vaccine production.